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In cases where the original crime has been rather serious and the violation of probation has also been serious, the court may award an imprisonment as a penalty to the person. At times, it so happens that prisoners are released before their term is done, but are kept on some specific probation. In such a situation, if the person violates the probation, he may be again sent back to prison.. Cheap Jerseys from china Members have been diagnosed with what are recognized as occupation specific injuries, such as certain types of cancer, cheap jerseys Ireland said.Capt. John Codling, vice president of Local 3591 of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said he's counted 10 firrefighters who have developed cancer during his 29 years as a firefighter, and some of them died."It was kind of a badge of honour," said Codling, who has been with the Kennebecasis department for 20 years. "The dirtier your gear was, you were the harder working firefighter."We carrie...